Esther King


Esther was born in Fiji, educated in New Zealand, and became a High School Teacher in Music and Home Economics. Taught at Suva Grammar School, and Ballantine Memorial School.

Esther toured the world with an American group: The Platters – left them in Argentina after 4 years of world travel and returned to Fiji.

Esther migrated to Australia in 1980 with her family; Husband – Ben; Sons – Gene, Ben and Rowland Kotobalavu. She lost her husband, Ben Kotobalavu Snr, in 1988. Her sons took up businesses while Esther continues to minister the Gospel Music throughout the world.

Esther through her unique presentation of singing and preaching takes the ‘Good News’ to communities and institutions such as, Jails/Correctional Services, Schools, Government functions, Festivals, Churches, Crusades, and many more.

Esther is also a motivational speaker and often called on to bring a positive edge to the business people, encouraging positive, practical and direct actions based on biblical and spiritual principles for everyday living.

As a musician, composer, and song writer, Esther pens new songs weekly, and cannot wait to get it down on disc – as she says:

“This is the story – the headlines – breaking news for today!”

Esther has taken her music and the good news to many countries of the world, namely New Zealand, Australia, Fiji, Tonga, Singapore, Malaysia, Borneo, Thailand, Holland, India, Pakistan, USA, England, Israel, Nigeria and more.


2003: Awarded the ‘Centenary Medal
For service to the communities of Australia.
Awarded by the Prime Minister John Howard and the Governor General:
‘To mark achievements of a broad cross-section of the Australian community at the commencement of the new century.’

1997: Awarded an Honorary Degree of ‘Doctor of Divinity’
By Two Institutions: Christian Faith University (Benson Idahosa University) and All Nations Institute International – Benin City, Nigeria
The only lady amongst 5 men from around the globe. The award was presented by the late Rev. Professor Dr Benson Idahosa

In 1984: Awarded the ‘Outstanding Citizen’s Award’
(in the area of entertainment)
By Festival of Light – Community Standards Organisation;
Sydney – Rev Fred Nile MLC


1)  Songs of the Redeemed (music book including music scores of Esther King songs)

2)  Daily Bread (Fijian)